Post by Birdie° on Nov 4, 2007 22:59:55 GMT -7
So. This is what her old home had become? Not that the field of wheat and barely had changed much, however, but there was a new kind of smell in the air. In brought a twitch to the old Windclanner's eyelid. Though...she couldn't quite place what it was.
Twomind had been her old name; not like any of the new kits here would know it. Dolly spit at the faint scent of badger, her tail curling, ears lowering to her skull. "Glad I didn' bring Mim with me," she whispered, "she'd be all out 'ere all day, an' we ain't got all day. I ain't e'n got 'n hour, I'm guessin'." SHe hoped she was wrong. She knew she was tresspassing, but Dolly hoped there was some kind of loophole she could find; at the moment, though, she hadn't found it. Instead, 'visiting' was called 'tresspassing', and there wasn't a thing she could do about it.
"S'long a cat don't pop up," she muttered coldly, "than I'll be outta 'ere soon." She hoped it would happen that way; but she was an old cat, and she was wise. She knew things never turned out in her favor. Just like the day she was kicked out...
Post by elkstorm on Dec 23, 2007 18:57:48 GMT -7
[E]lkstar Elkstar was hunting on the plains, hops blowing in the wind around his body. He had scented a rabbit and had been following it for what seemed to be hours. Atlast he spotted it, nibbling away at a stalk of barley. He silently crept closer, the wind blowing into him so that the hare would not scent him. Elkstar almost doubted that the innocent creature would smell him out even if the wind was blowing the wrong direction, but none the less he wanted to be sure he caught sometin for the clan.
Crouching down he kneaded the cold ground with his claws. The ground was nigh frozen but still the snow of leafbare had not come. He didn't much mind this, made it easier for all the cats of the forest, though he knew when it did come it would hit hard. Focusing back on the hunt he notice the wind had changed, ruffling his fur up. Elkstar wasn't sure whether infact rabbits had a better since of scent than he had thought or if it was his long winter fur blowing in the wind that had alerted the hare but it knew he was there and he had to act. Quickly darting at it, he managed to snag it with one of his claws and pin it down and kill it quickly without making it suffer.
Standing straight up again he noticed the change of wind brought with it a new scent. It seemed starngely familiar, yet so different. Breaking a few barley stems he sparsly covered his prey and took off towards the scent. Running through the feild he tried to remeber where he had smelt the scent before, but he couldn't place it. He stopped as the creature was in his sight. Memories went reeling through his mind and he knew who it was.
[/color]"Twomind," Elkstar said in a half suprised, half overjoyed voice. It had been long since he had last seen this cat. He had barely been an apprentice when she was kicked out of Windclan by the old leader. Elkstar never understood why. He padded forwards a little ways to get closer to the old she-cat. Her scent had darasticly changed but Windclan was still there. "Twomind what are you doing here? Have you come back to Windclan?" Elkstar half hoped this was true, Twomind was supposed to be his mentor, but never was. It would be great to have her back in the clan again. Elkstar stood there with his tail high in the air, waiting for a response.[/sub]
Post by Birdie° on Dec 27, 2007 12:30:17 GMT -7
The noises caught her by surprise, and her ears lifted, listening. Dolly's breath caught in her throat as she turned to meet the recognizable voice, and when she did, she nearly laughed. Instead, she cleared her throat and tried to talk like her old self; before the streets, before Mim; back when she was a young warrior.
"Elkp--" She stopped, lowering her head half an inch. "Elkstar," she said, "s'good to see ye." Dolly chuckled, reminiscing on the name and why she'd been named so. Twomind. Back when the 'two' had been necessary. Her anger was still sharp as a whip, though; that hadn't changed.
"Back to...the clan?" She asked, her eyes widening. "I...a'course I'd love to! If you'll 'ave me, see," she added quickly. If he were leader now, he didn't know anything about that night; he wouldn't agree with them. She gave him a half-smile. "Course I wouldn' be as much of a help as the others but, y'know, I don't think I'd mind it at all!"
Post by elkstorm on Dec 28, 2007 18:29:27 GMT -7
Elkstar padded forward, coming closer to the aging cat as if to look her over. He purred in ammusement when she slightly stumbled over his name. Hmm lets see...how old is she anyway Elkstar thought. After a bit of thinking he came up with an age of somewhere around 60moons old. Waiting a little until after she had finished he asked "So you're about 60Moons aren't you?"
He continued circling her taking in her size, volume, old scars and came to his conclusion."I would happily welcome you back to the clan. You're not as old as you make yourself sound, dear friend. You would still make a nice warrior. Your years you do have have made you wise, and being kicked out of the clan only furthered it I'm sure. You'd make a great mentor aswell." Elkstar's eyes flickered, he didn't know what she had done to be kicked out of the clan. Perhaps he really shouldn't be talking to her, perhaps he should run her off Windclan territory like all other loners, kittypets and rouges. "But before we go back, you must tell me one thing that makes me resist taking you back to the clan this very instant; Why did wise old Falconstar kick you out of the clan to begin with?"[/sup] Sorry its so short!
Post by Birdie° on Dec 28, 2007 19:28:37 GMT -7
[This one is going to be really short; right to the point. I hope you don't mind. >.<"]
Dolly's eyes widened, and she purred in contentment. "Really, now," she grinned at him, "you're right on the mark, s'far I know." She shook her fur and took a friendly step torward him, her smile widening at his compliments. "Aw, well," she chuckled, "I's older than some's."
She rolled her shoulders lazily, listening to him speak, her mind elsewhere. A line hit her over and over again, battering it's way into her head until she realized what kind of questiong he was asking her. She blinking, blinking, and shivered. "Well, see," she said slowly, "s'not somethin' I did, see; it's more like somethin' they...accused me for. Now I ain't callin' ol' Falconstar stupid or nothin'," she said quickly, her tail flicking back and forth nervously, "'cause he wasn't there, so he didn't know what had happened. I was accused of treason, see," she said softly, "but I didn't do nothin'. I'd never do somethin' like that. Never. I di'n hurt nobody who di'n hurt the clan first an' I'd ne'er e'er do nothin' like that. I'd ne'er go 'gainst ol' Falconstar like they says I did, an' 'e shoulda' knowed it, but 'e b'lieved his deputy...an' I don' blame him, see, not at all...not really." [/color]